Saturday, August 23, 2014

The 2014-15 School Year!

 Image result for picture of iPad

Welcome to the 2014-15 school year!  Teachers are planning lessons, iPads are being formatted and things are moving along ready for the arrival of students on Monday!  

Some things - in 7th grade, students will be starting with the Digital Citizenship course on Wednesday during Extension and Related Arts periods and will receive their iPads during the week of September 1.  The devices will NOT be sent home right away, but before the end of September.  No device will be able to be taken home IF the appropriate paperwork has not been returned.  All the paperwork was sent home in the Back-to-School packet. Students and families should contact homeroom teachers for that information if needed.

in grade 8 - students will receive their iPads on September 2 and are permitted to take them home IF the appropriate paperwork has been returned. All the paperwork was sent home in the Back-to-School packet. Students and families should contact homeroom teachers for that information if needed.

Please be sure to consider purchasing a study, durable case AND insurance for your child's iPad. 

We are so very fortunate to  be able to provide this opportunity for our learners!.