Claims Process & FAQ

Contact Worth directly for claims information 
http://www.worthavegroup.com/claims-process-faq -->

     On Network - The device is within the SV facility and connected to the SV wireless (WiFi) system.
     Off Network -  The device is NOT within the SV facility and is NOT connected to the SV wireless (WiFi) system. Examples: At home, on the bus, away sports event.  Typically in this case the iPad is working with no internet connection or is connected to the user’s home Wifi or WiFi hotspot (example: Barnes & Noble’s free WiFi)
     CIPA - Children's Internet Protection Act - requires that K-12 schools and libraries in the United States use Internet filters and implement other measures to protect children from harmful online content as a condition for the receipt of certain federal funding. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Internet_Protection_Act for more info.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can the iPad connect to my home WiFi or open WiFi?
      Yes, the iPad can connect easily connect to most WiFi networks.  The students will receive a guide to help them get connected.

Question: How does internet filtering on the iPad work?
      The included web browser on an iPad is Safari which does not provide any built in filtering capability.  A free internet browser that provides built in internet filtering called K9 is available for the iPad.  Safari has been disabled on the student’s iPad and the CIPA compliant K9 browser is installed.

Question: Is the student’s iPad internet filtered at home and at school?
Yes to both.  There are two internet filtering scenarios that a SV iPad will encounter.
      On Network - The device is filtered by the SV internet filtering system.  The same rules are applied to computers and iPads.  All traffic is logged.
      Off Network - The device is only filtered by the CIPA compliant K9 Web Browser.

Question: What level of privacy can be expected on the school owned iPad?
      On Network - All internet activity is recorded.  This is only to the extent of logging a website visit but not the actual information during the visit.  Example: The user logs on to and uses their personal email.  The system logs the visit to the site but the actual information exchanged during the visit is not (and cannot be) recorded.
      Off Network - The K9 browser keeps a limited history of website visits on the device.  This information can only be accessed directly from the device.
      Monitoring - An iPad user’s screen cannot be monitored/viewed remotely.
      Cameras - An iPad’s camera cannot be remotely turned on.  There are apps the allow the camera to act as a surveillance camera.  These apps are only installed/used by end user and cannot be remotely controlled.

Question: How does the district maintain, manage, and control the iPads?
The district uses a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system allows the district to inventory and control the iPad devices.  Some features are...
      Show installed software and updates.
      Remotely control restrictions on the device.  Example: disable use of the camera, disable installation of apps.
      Lock or Erase the device.
      Push installation of apps to the device.
      Delete inappropriate or unallowed apps.

Question: Are there restrictions on the iPads?  Can students change settings and/or install apps?
      All apps in the Apple App Store are age rated..4+, 8+, 12+, 17+. 
      App installation is restricted to apps rated for ages 12 and up.

Question: Do I need insurance on the iPad and do I need to use Worth Ave?
      The student is financially responsible for the replacement/repair cost of the iPad, the recommended insurance fully covers the iPad in nearly all ways.
      Worth Ave is recommended by the district and has given special rates to the district.

Question: What doesn’t the Worth Ave insurance cover?
      The insurance does not cover loss of the iPad.  If the iPad is stolen a police report will need to be provided.

Question: Does the iPad come with a case and is a case needed?
      The district will provide a neoprene case to all students with iPads.  The student may purchase their own case.
      The iPad must be in a case when not in use.

Question: When will the student charge their iPad?
      The student should charge their iPad every night at home.

?????? Any additional questions - contact any of your child's team of academic subject area teachers (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages) or Ms Bernardo, Principal, Saucon Valley Middle School