Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ready to start year two . . .

Well, I don't think we call this an "initiative" anymore, but implementation.  We are expanding our 1-to-1 iPad implementation to grade 8, so now all 7th & 8th graders will be issued individual iPads with the goal to have them take the device home for 24/7 access.  Interesting that the rising 8th graders will be experienced with iPad use having been issued them last year,  while the teachers will be somewhat novices (although they had been practicing since last December) and the rising 7th graders will be the novices and the teachers will be the experienced iPad users.  Don't you just love when kids can teach you things!

Information will be coming home with students about renewing insurance for 8th grade families and purchasing for 7th grade.  An information session will be held during the annual Back-to-School Night for our 7th grade families on Thursday, September 26.  Stay tuned!