Sunday, February 23, 2014

Literacy Week February 24-28 . . .

Here are some events - 
Author Ty Drago will visit this week.  check out his website @ 

 We will Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) at surprise times each day and also write about our reading memories for a whole school book.  
There will also we a Book Swap and look for "Read On" posters with some familiar faces throughout the building! 

Thank you to the Educational Foundation for Innovation for funding these events!

 Illustrator Victor Stabin will join us also -  

Friday, February 14, 2014

iPads Improve Classroom Learning, Study Finds

From National Geographic - iPads Improve Classroom Learning, Study Finds 
(The research will be published in the January 2014 issue of Computers and Education.)

Sophomore Sterlin McCormick, 16, uses her school-supplied iPad to write a journal entry in science class
Center Grove High School sophomore Sterlin McCormick, 16, uses her school-supplied iPad to write a journal entry in Kelly Scholl's science class in Greenwood, IN.