Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Using the iPad in the Classroom

Recently our teachers participated in an in-service program on increasing active student engagement in lessons.  One of the activities was establishing partners to collaborate on learning experiences.  A partner organizational technique is "buddies".  Using the compass rose to set partners is a tool that was used.  For example, you  might have a "Northeast" partner on your chart.  The form, presented to the teachers in hard copy form, was placed on the iPad for the students to use.  Kept in electronic subject areas files, the students have ready access to the document. No more lost papers!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

iPad Family Meetings

We had a small, but very interested turn out for our family meetings to update on the 1-to-1 Initiative and Implementation.  Lots of great information was shared and important questions asked and answered! The students shared some of their best strategies and uses for the various apps.  More meetings to come in the future.  
If you have topics, feel free to share your interests with us!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Today is iPad "go home" day!

Today the students brought their iPads home.  It was a day of sorting plugs and cords, checking apps, remembering all the things learned about digital citizenship and sharing ideas!  Students asked lots of good questions and clarified several key points.  We are so pleased with their responsiblity, interest knowledge and excitement!  BE CAREFUL!!!!!