Monday, August 27, 2012

Today was iPad Day! Well, first day of school . . .

Happy first day of school! 
We began the introduction of the iPads with some of our 7th graders.  Two teachers and the Network Supervisor coordinate the efforts.  The students were reminded of the "care and feeding" of an iPad, along with some helpful hints about being a good digital citizen.


Back-to-School Night for grades 5, 6, 7, 8 on Thursday, September 20, 2012 beginning promptly at 7:00 P.M. 
Family Information Sessions scheduled for Tuesday, October 9 @ 4:30 P.M. and Wednesday, October 10 @ 7:00 P.M.  Both dates will present the same information. 

The sessions are meant for parents and 7th graders to attend. 
More details will follow in Courage and Determination weekly newsletters.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The "iTeam"

We are less than one week and counting until "back-to-school.  Last May, rising 7th grade students applied to be members of the "iTeam" in grade 7.  Here is the criteria for which they applied . . .

Do you consider yourself to be a techie? If you love working with technology and would like to be part of a special group of students who will learn new and exciting technology tools and then teach others what you have learned, this extension is for you. You will have important role in helping peers and teachers work with iPads. This extension is only open to upcoming 7th graders. You must apply for this extension by filling out an application. Please see Ms. Lesney in the library for an application. 

We started meeting with the iTeam today - the kids have GREAT ideas.  I am so looking forward to having them   assist with our initiative.  A SPECIAL thank you to Ms Lesney for taking on this project AND the Tech Team for getting the iPads ready!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ready to go!!!! Some details . . . Digital Citizenship

Calling all 7th graders .................... when you look at your schedule you will see a Digital Citizenship class during either Extension Period OR Related Arts.
IF you have Digital Citizenship assigned during Extension Period Quarter 1, your teacher is your Homeroom/Period 1 teacher/room.
IF you have Digital Citizenship assigned during Related Arts Cycle 1, your teacher is either Mrs. Chuhran in room B203 OR Ms Lesney in the Middle School Library.
IF you are a 7th grader and Digital Citizenship is NOT on your schedule for Quarter 1 Extension Period OR Cycle 1 Related Arts, let Ms Bernardo or Mr. Halcisak know.

The Digital Citizenship curriculum lessons and topics will be available soon  . . .

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here are some pictures to keep everyone posted on the progress . . .

We are working hard to have everything ready!!!!!
Here they are . . . ready to be made yours!
iPad cover to keep everything safe!
Boxes, boxes and more boxes!
Carts for charging

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Moving right along . . . iPad insurance information

Here is the iPad insurance form for reference for families.   We will be sending the form out to families at the beginning of the school year once the devices are assigned to students.  You will notice that the application requires the unit serial number, that will be preprinted on the form when distributed.  The devices will not be sent home immediately as students will be participating in a 30-45 lesson curriculum of Digital Citizenship first.  That program of lessons is being written this summer and will be posted on the School District website for reference. I hope that information is helpful.