Friday, December 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

i Band


Our students are exploring the various apps on the iPad and their uses.  Here are members of the new "garage band"!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The iPads are amazing! from the iTeam

We are using them in such innovative ways!  In Mrs. Thatcher’s French class we used QR codes to link a question to each code and then we had to respond to the questions.  We loved this activity because we got to move around the room and use technology to learn. 

The iTeam is in the process of creating a winter scavenger hunt using QR codes which will be posted throughout the entire school.  We hope that you all participate!

A QR code is a trademark for a type of matrix barcode.  Many different stores, food companies and fast food places are using QR codes for contests and other information.
For an informational USA Today article, scan below!